Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Online eDating Username Method with Examples

Holy Shiz-o-rama! I have found the Ultimate Guide for Dating Usernames. You have to check it out over at

Here's a quick run down:

Whenever a girl is browsing edating profiles or checking through her messages deciding which dude to visit - you will find a problem. You've got one chance!  Women just take around 3 seconds to consider to click on you or the other guy.

Your dating username is just about the 1st items a girl sees on the dating site.. If you message her, she's going to  see your username, photo, and subject line of your message. If she's browsing dating profiles, guess what she see's? You're right! She is going to see your username & photo.

Right here is an illustration of what a woman sees when she actually is looking around OkCupid - The dating username is right at the very top.

I know, I know. You actually didn’t place a good deal thought into your username - but yet it's your first impression, so do not ruin your own edating with a bla dating username!

What exactly a online dating hottie is saying about online dating usernames:

Becky states: "Whenever I am browsing for gents on an online dating site, I pass over 95% of them. They have got the most foolish dating usernames. How about this particular poor guy - OkCupidDreamGuy - he's extremely cute however that username... (She shakes her head and rolls her eyes in disappointment) I wouldn’t even look at his dating profile. And  - holy cow - check out this - Sam74521, that is very ordinary & what's with all of those random numbers? I do not have time to look at every single dating profile so I pick the profiles that grab my attention There's just something about a excellent username coupled along with a attractive picture that makes me pause and recognize, but many of the names men use are horrific."

A Case Study:
Mike was a recent student in the Online Dating Academy. He's 5'6" 150lbs. A regular dude joining the edating scene.
I helped him get all the parts of his online dating - working together..

We started by modifying his pictures, profile and messages so they perform synergistically. He began obtaining wonderful results. As an experiment - we saved his user name for the very last,  as I talked about before, together with your photo, is your first impression.

Mike is in the military - so we included a superb image of him in military dress suit..

Okay gents, so let's think and get creative! Exactly how could he tie being a Marine into his user name in a manner that girls will find appealing?

A Marine is the modern-day Knight, so there's no better name than MikeInShiningArmor?! Using the positive association girls have with finding their Knight In Shining Armor.

As soon as he switched his user name from Mike4857 to MikeInShiningArmor, All hell broke loose!!!

When Mike started, he was getting no responses, now he has more girls than he can handle! See what I mean by S-Y-N-E-R-G-Y!

The Online Dating User name Formula

A step by step strategy for producing your own tempting user name that will actually compel girls to want to look at who this guy is. 

The User name technique is a combination of 3 principles:
Is of interest to Women
Links to Positive Feelings.
Unique, crystal-clear together with memorable.

The eDatingDoc has many more tips on this topic - so be sure to take a look at his website for the online dating username guide. Click the link.

Get your girl on these sites.